With 146 votes in favor, 89 against and 3 abstentions on Thursday, July 11, the Senate definitively approved the immigration law, desired by the center-right government and strongly opposed by the opposition. before the vote, the rapporteur Gabriele Boscetto (Forza Italia) proposed an agenda with which the Government undertakes to implement with a separate bill the regularization foreseen for domestic workers and caregivers also for the sector of non-EU workers in the industry .
The law, also known as “Bossi-Fini” (from the names of the Minister of Reforms, Umberto Bossi, and the deputy premier, Gianfranco Fini, who drafted it) definitively sends the former Turco-Napolitano to retirement.
These are the essential points of the law.
The “effective arrest” for the clandestine immigrant is triggered by the third attempt to return to Italy without permission. At the first assessment that verifies the illegal entry of the clandestine, the accompaniment will be sent to the border. Since the greatest difficulty that has hitherto prevented this measure has involved the identification of the clandestine, and therefore the identification of the State of origin, it is expected to lengthen the period of stay in the appropriate centers from the current 20 days, extendable for further 10 days, 30 days, extendable by 30 others.
Furthermore, to encourage the identification of the immigrant, the law requires fingerprints to be taken by all immigrants from outside the EU.
If the clandestine once expelled will still be in Italy, he can be arrested in flagrante and end up in jail with a minimum sentence of six months, a maximum of one year, commutable in expulsion. On his third attempt to illegally enter Italy, the clandestine will risk from one to four years in prison.
Having a residence contract for work becomes an essential requirement for the issue of a residence permit, whose duration is commensurate with the duration of the work in the case of seasonal or fixed-term work. If it is a permanent job, there is renewability of the permit.
The quotas will be fixed with one or more decrees a year on the basis of the insertion into the world of work and, therefore, of the readiness to assume from the productive world.
Workers of Italian origin residing in non-EU countries (for part of at least one of the parents up to the third degree in a straight line of ancestry, ie the great-grandfather) will have access to the Italian labor market in a privileged way. In fact, it is envisaged that a preferential quota will be reserved for them in the aforementioned decrees.
The restrictions will also apply to the world of sport. Every year a decree by the Minister of Cultural Heritage will set, on the proposal of the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), the maximum number of foreign sportsmen who can carry out professional activities and receive remuneration in Italy. The shares will then be distributed among the sports clubs.